Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The statue from afar. The statue is not inherently photogenic, except in crepuscular shots, in silhouette. However, try photographing the folds of the statue. They make for a nice surprise shot. Posted by Picasa

The statue ...

The stereotypical NYC shot Posted by Picasa

The other hand Posted by Picasa

The torch Posted by Picasa

Perspective Posted by Picasa

Folds Posted by Picasa

The statue up front Posted by Picasa

Close - up Posted by Picasa

The pedestal - the size of the statue comes into perspective when you add people to the picture Posted by Picasa

The statue from an uncommon angle Posted by Picasa

Lady Liberty up close Posted by Picasa

Flaming gold Posted by Picasa

The trip ...

Battery Park Posted by Picasa

Downtown towers over Battery Park Posted by Picasa

Jersey City Posted by Picasa

Comic relief ? Posted by Picasa

Ellis Island - zoom level 1 Posted by Picasa

Ellis Island - zoom level 2 Posted by Picasa

Ellis Island - zoom level 3 Posted by Picasa

Who, me ? Posted by Picasa

The city from the boat Posted by Picasa

Everyone crowds at the old pier for the panoramic view Posted by Picasa

A vast cross section of humanity - those who visit Liberty Island, but can you spot Ashok ? Posted by Picasa

Ashok .. uhh .. posturing Posted by Picasa

Ashok and Uncle through the crowd Posted by Picasa